Thursday, December 31, 2015

Analytics Creating Understanding

I actually did some research yesterday about Google Analytics not knowing that todays assignment was referring to the same thing. Oh well, I guess I am on the right track! Analytics involves studying data to research possible trends, to analyze the influence of certain decisions or events, or to assess a performance tool. The purpose of analytics is to advance business by attaining knowledge which can be used for advancements or changes. There is a lot encompassed in Google Analytics, to help sift through this information use this YouTube tutorial. This tutorial boils business objectives down to five common categories starting with E commerce. E commerce is selling products or services, analytics helps to find ways to increase sales and track performance. Second is lead generation which tracks user info using testing strategies and landing pages. Third, content publishing, involves encourages repeat visits and engagement, with Google Analytics you will be able to answer questions like, what keeps people clicking and interacting with the site? Analytics supports online information, by comparing what users are looking for with what they actually find. For branding the key objective is awareness and loyalty, is your site being shared, linked to, and engaged with on the web. Every site has action Google Analytics breask this down into easy understandable reports. I encourage you to watch the tutorial for more details!

Levi's uses Google Analytics to monitor traffic on the company's homepage. They log the amount of time users spend on the site in general, how much time they spend on a certain page, and how long the site is viewed before a purchase is made. For example, my mom ordered two pair of Levi's as a Christmas gift off of their website and she claims that out of all her shopping this was the smoothest purchase. I would bet Google Analytics influenced that!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Own Your Website!

The best type of information is precise and to the point.  However, it is beneficial for overall understanding to put things into context  and build surroundings for the main idea. All in all you should be able to pinpoint the main idea and provide a supporting argument. Small Biz Trends communicates very effectively. In this particular case I am referring to Small Biz Trends as a resource to build the ideal website. Small Business Trends provides us the exclusives about building your first business website. Many of us are involved with online accounts such as social media; however, fewer of us actually have a successful business intentional website.

Here I will highlight a few strategies and tips for websites.

  • Have a Clear Goal
  • Tell Customers What You Can Do for Them
  • Own Your Domain
  • Set Up Easy Contact
  • Add Valuable Images
  • Research SEO
These are just a few, follow this link to view the complete list of 30 Tips for Building Your First Business Website. The article goes into detail and provides a small paragraph or 2-7 sentences on each of the main points. Don't click away with just the information you see here! Follow the link and read all Small Business Trends has to say about building your website.

Business Spotlight

For the business spotlight today I chose Ford. The reason I chose Ford is because of how interactive their websites requires its viewers to be. For example, they promote buying a car that matches your lifestyle as well as featuring reviews and stories from people who have the model you are thionking of purchasing. Ford's website also gives you the option to "make it yours." Here you can build and price your own Ford model from your very own computer. The website requires you to enter your zip code which they then, based upon your location, offer to find the right car near and for you. The websites homepage is very user friendly and offers insight to what they are doing as a company an how you might be apart of their mission. View Ford Motor Company here!

Blogging assets and boomers

In the evolving world we live in, each individual cannot keep up with every new trend. Outstandingly in the digital world, there are millions of resources. Often times the resource that could help us are out there, we just need to know where to look. Here you can find 51+ successful strategies and tips for businesses blogging  51 is still quite a lot to sift through, however this site offers summaries, photos, videos, charts, statistics, and more to help you pinpoint your needs.

There are a businesses one can look for examples of successful business blogs. Patagonia is a company that sells high end outdoor activity clothing and supplies. One of their main focuses is engaging the community. Patagonia Works is a version of their own press which the community can access and read the most recent posts about new products. Personally, their trendy headlines which often capture my attention alone, also they complement brand image very well.


Mic check one two. Mic check one two.
Learn blogging tips and marketing on YouTube in 30 seconds.
Getting familiar with blogger, so far so good!

Brand loyalty!

I did not know blogger was ran by Google, when I discovered this I thought it would be best for me to switch since I am familiar with Google and I was having many troubles with word press on my Mac.