Thursday, December 31, 2015

Analytics Creating Understanding

I actually did some research yesterday about Google Analytics not knowing that todays assignment was referring to the same thing. Oh well, I guess I am on the right track! Analytics involves studying data to research possible trends, to analyze the influence of certain decisions or events, or to assess a performance tool. The purpose of analytics is to advance business by attaining knowledge which can be used for advancements or changes. There is a lot encompassed in Google Analytics, to help sift through this information use this YouTube tutorial. This tutorial boils business objectives down to five common categories starting with E commerce. E commerce is selling products or services, analytics helps to find ways to increase sales and track performance. Second is lead generation which tracks user info using testing strategies and landing pages. Third, content publishing, involves encourages repeat visits and engagement, with Google Analytics you will be able to answer questions like, what keeps people clicking and interacting with the site? Analytics supports online information, by comparing what users are looking for with what they actually find. For branding the key objective is awareness and loyalty, is your site being shared, linked to, and engaged with on the web. Every site has action Google Analytics breask this down into easy understandable reports. I encourage you to watch the tutorial for more details!

Levi's uses Google Analytics to monitor traffic on the company's homepage. They log the amount of time users spend on the site in general, how much time they spend on a certain page, and how long the site is viewed before a purchase is made. For example, my mom ordered two pair of Levi's as a Christmas gift off of their website and she claims that out of all her shopping this was the smoothest purchase. I would bet Google Analytics influenced that!


  1. Solid choice on Levi's. I actually almost used them for this assignment. They're a great example.

  2. I bet you're right that analytics had a huge part in it. I know when I shop online I want it to be smooth and fast. It seems Levi is doing a good job of it. Great article!

  3. Nice choice on using Levi's as an example! Also I like the way you took your writing. Great way on highlighting the main points.
