Friday, January 15, 2016

Snapchat, Vine, and Periscope for Business!

So, the question here is how are businesses using the app to market to consumers?  And, how can you possibly incorporate this platform into your content strategy?  Small Talk Social provides Snapchat for Business, How to Promote Your Brand. a list of techniques to make this possible. 
  1. Behind The Scenes / Live Event Tell the story as it is happening from a first hand viewpoint.
  2. Give Followers Exclusive Content Encourage your followers to follow you on Snapchat for exclusive content that cannot be seen on any other platform.
  3. Share Contest Or Coupon Codes You can plan a campaign which will boost engagement since each snap story only lasts 24 hours this requires your followers to participate actively.
  4. Snapchat Takeover By An Influence Businesses can partner with On-Brand influencers to show their audience a unique perspective.
  5. Communicate + Engage "his is social media, so you need to be social." Open up that direct line of communication to be personable.

 A great place for exposure, Snapchat now has over 100 mllion daily users, 71% of those between the ages of 18-34.
Visit Marketing TechBlog to see how to perfect your Vine strategy and promote your business. TechBlog starts with a glimpse into Vines world of videos; also includes statistics from where Vine started and the amount of exposure they have today. Following, TechBlog offers tips and strategies of how to create and  grow a brand on Vine,  how to enhance your social media presences beyond photos and words


Some facts about Vine:
  • An estimated 40 million users have downloaded Vine
  • Every second, 5 Vines are Tweeted by users
  • Every minute, 8,333Vines are shared by users
  • Each day users play Vine videos 1.5 billion times
  • More than 100 million people view Vine videos each month
  • Branded Vines receive 400% more shares

Capture and share your brand in motion with Vine videos.

Excuse me for not having first hand experience with this next source! Here I will pinpoint some information about Periscope and refer you to where they will fill you in with everything you need to know about how you can use Periscope to market your Brand. 

Periscopes whole vibe is social streaming. Picture an easy way to broadcast live video from your mobile device. Anyone with the app can view your live stream from anywhere worldwide. Check this out. Anyone can leave comments in real time which will appear on the screen, overlaid on the video,  and is visible tot everyone who is watching. Now viewers are part of the stream and a live conversation around your content unravels. Watchers can also stream to their followers so every stream has the potential of going viral. Follow this link and learn 9 ways your business can use Periscope.


What else to promote other than what I am currently using! Blogger is allowing myself to provide and yourselves to view such helpful content. Use Blogger to share whatever is on your mind, design your blog your way, and ultimately create your custom home on the web. 
  • Design your blog Choose from easy to use templates or create something entirely unique
  • Grow your audience Blogger connects seamlessly with Google+
  • Earn money Take advantage of Bloggers income generating tools
  • Post from anywhere Blogger is available in 60 languages and across the globe

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Market Among the Best

Not just a social network, Google+ is a key component within the Google ecosystem. And a major player in getting your business in front of an audience desiring for your product or service.

Take advantage of the about section and use this space to:
  • Optimize your profile
  • Share your special skill set
  • Industry Niche
  • Training and certifications
  • Any detail that allows clients to make an educated decision
  • Link to other social websites, your website, product or services
You want anyone to instantly:
  • Understand what differentiates you from the competition
  • Identify what you and your business have to offer
  • Determine what services or products you offer
  • Know how you solve their problems
  • See what your tools or systems are that will make their lives better or easier
Write great content, include:
  • Answers to FAQ
  • Video explanations of your process
  • How to's from affinity partners, vendors, and peers
How to use Circles:
  • Share posts with a select group of people to target your specific message
  • Post to "public" to allow anyone to view and comment on your content
  • Create notification circles to update certain followers when your blog goes live
  • Add people to specific circles or list to 
With each of your visuals you want to be:
  • Intentional
  • Consistent
  • Valuable
Use Hangouts to:
  • Conduct interviews
  • Answer questions
  • Share success stories
  • Provide solutions
Since I do have a bit more to blog about, I will leave you with this. Take into consideration some of the options Google+ provides. If you are interested into looking into any of these bullet points in detail, see original content here. provides insight all about digital marketing, social media, and strategy.

LinkedIn company pages help build brand awareness by providing a channel to promote your products and services to current and potential customers. Social Media Examiner provides us step by step instructions to construct a company page with Linkedin, view original content here

#1: Fill in Company Details

To get started, go to Interests at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and select Companies from the drop-down menu.
Click the Create button in the Create a Company Page box on the right of the screen.
This is where you can type in an overview and detailed description of your company. Be sure to mention specialties, key products and services and include a sentence or two about what makes your company unique.

#2: Upload a Logo and Banner Image

A LinkedIn company page is essentially a piece of real estate for your brand, so make the most of it. Upload your company logo and a banner image to make your page stand out. Your logo is what LinkedIn users see when they search for your company. It also appears on staff profiles, so make sure that all of your employees add the company page to their profiles to reach a wider audience of LinkedIn users.

#3: Post Company Updates

Now it’s time to create some quality content and plan a schedule of updates that your audience will find interesting and helpful. Tailor Content to Your Audience’s Needs and Interests. Your key objective is engagement, post helpful tips, advice and resources related to your industry. If you solve a problem for users, or make their jobs easier in some way, they’ll be more likely to share your content with their peers.

#4: Promote Your Page to Attract Followers

  • Mobilize the people in your office. Encourage employees to add the company to their personal profiles. This way, they’ll receive company updates and be able to share them with the click of a button.
  • Add a link to your page in your email signature and promote your page in newsletters and blogs.
  • Add LinkedIn’s nifty Follow Company button to your website to encourage more followers.

#5: Create Showcase Pages for Individual Products

LinkedIn showcase pages are an extension of your company page and can be used to highlight certain brands or product lines. They allow you to customize your messages for different segments of your audience. LinkedIn users can follow showcase pages for topics or products that they’re interested in. This means that the content they see in their news feeds will be more focused and relevant to them, which is likely to result in higher engagement.

Wanting to reach more viewers and optimize the quality of your videos? YouTube is the ultimate source. There are many unfamiliar YouTube features that creators should be using to better the quality of their content and multiply their influence. Social Media Examiner provides us 5 little known YouTube features for marketers. I will summarize the content but feel free to visit original content here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Market Among the Most Popular!

We can all benefit from a cost free lesson! Boom Social provides us 10 Facebook Marketing Tips that do not require a Budget! Click here to view the original content from

Top 10 Facebook Marketing Tips:

1. Use Canva to create an eye-catching cover photo  There are many useful free tools  like Canva that can be used to enhance your images. Canva provides layouts specifically for Facebook.


2. Be mindful of moving your fans to your email list Facebook users are limited by Facebook's algorithms and filter feed. Therefor it is important you that you add your friends/ fans to your email list. 

3. Ask questions to boost engagement Facebook works best when you use it for two way engagement. Include a question in your post.

4. Consult Facebook Insights to find out which types of posts resonate with your audience

5. Post image quotes Simply overlay a funny, motivational, or inspirational on an eye catching background.

6. Use Buzzsumo to find new content ideas Buzzsumo will allow you to find the most popular content for a given subject.

7. Offer exclusive deals and promotions 42% of people like a brand page in order to receive a discount. You can create a FAcebook offer from your page for free.

8. Try posting link updates Statistically these are the best types of post on Facebook

9. Integrate your website with your Facebook page It is critical that you find ways to leverage your existing audience to grow your Facebook page. Use buttons and badges to encourage social sharing

10. Be committed, and be consistent Show up consistently, post content regularly, and respond to questions and comments promptly


#1: Tweet Without Links Research shows that tweets without links get more engagement. By limiting the number you share you add value to the one's shared.

#2: Use the Right Hashtags Adding hashtags gives your tweets context however it is important not to overdue it

#3: Add Images for Shared Links Tweets with images stand out and get more engagement compared to ones without. Twitshot is an online tool you can use in any browser making it easy to find images to use when you share links

#4: Tweet With the Proper Format Start your tweet with the text, followed by the link. Include @ mentions if applicable. Lastly add hashtags and insert your image

#5: Provide Value With Quote Tweets The new Quote Tweet function allows you to add 116 characters when you retweet. Give context by adding your opinion or enthusiasm.

#6: Tweet at Optimal Times Go to Tweriod to find out the best times to tweet for your audience. Sign in with Twitter and click the my analysis button. The results let you see when your tweets get the most exposure and when most of your followers are online

#7: Reverse-Engineer Popular Tweets To do this go to Twitter Analytics and click tweets at the top of the page then click top tweets to see your most popular tweets for the period.

#8: Use Lists to Curate Content to Retweet Look at the accounts through the eyes of your target audience. Find people who share valuable content that your audience is likely to retweet. Then add these accounts to your Twitter list.

Instagram is a fast-growing platform and businesses are eager to establish a presence and encourage engagement on the network.

#1: Shoot Square

#2: Use a Customized Link Shortener to Track Traffic

#3: Be Strategic With Your Bio Link

#4: Cross-Promote Your Partners

#5: Take Advantage of Trending Hashtags

#6: Drive Instagram Users Into Your Marketing Funnel

#7: Mix Videos and Photos

#8: Leverage Sponsored Ads

#9: Direct Users to Your Most Valuable Content

#10: Use Sponsored Posts

#11: Make Graphics Shareworthy

#12: Develop an Editorial Calendar

#13: Partner With Instagram Influencers

Click here to see original content with explanations on the 13 marketing tips from Social Media Examiner. These tips can go a little more in depth than some of the other resources so instead of myself trying to reiterate the process behind the tips, I encourage you to visit the website!

The Tumblr blogging platform has a few key benefits that distinguish it from more traditional blogging software like WordPress, Typepad and Blogger. Although Tumblr can be used exclusively for publishing blog posts in a similar fashion, by its nature it is structured as a platform for sharing other people’s content first. With this difference in mind, here’s how to harness the nature of Tumblr for marketing and to promote your business. 
  • Think Content Curation
  • Share More Than You Publish
  • Quote Yourself
  • Consider The Audience
  • Answer Questions
Visit  Powerup Social  to view original content on how to use Tumblr to promote your business and get insight on the ideas I posted above!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ins and Outs of Video Creation

If you are thinking about incorporating videos into your social media marketing or in need of assistance to simplify video production, Social Media Examiner provides 14 tools marketers can use to create screen casts, montages, and slideshows.

Here is a quick fact! By posting your video to Facebook you will receive 30% more views compared to posting on another website. According to Facebook's 3rd qtr 2015 earning report there are now 8 billion daily video views on Facebook which is double the views in April of 2015 annual. There is a perceived hugh barrier to creating video, wanting to look and sound their best, wanting to use best technology to record audio and video fortunately however there are easy ways to create video, some of which do not even require you to show your face on screen, you can use screen captures, images, and video clips to create video adds for your business. 
A screen cast is a digital recording of the action taking place on your computer screen, perfect for creating technical how to explainer videos or create a tutorial/ demo for your product. Use Camtasia Studio, available for both PC and Mac for an advanced video recorder and editor. 
Use Snagit if you are looking for an easier low cost solution.
Tech Smith Fuse works with Camtasia Studios and Snagit. Allowing you to capture images and videos on your mobile device and send them to your desktop to use in your videos. Reflection by Squirrels allows you to do wireless mirroring so you can display your smartphone screen on your desktop. Connect your mobile device wirelessly to your desktop hit record on your screen cast software and create your video. 
Another option is to create a slideshow; combine still images as a catchy video promotion for your news feed. A slide-deck video can also feature products on a theme, behind the scenes imagery from your company, coverage of events and more. The Facebook slideshow tool is an way way to create eye catching ads from still images. In the ad creation section click on select video then create slideshow button. select 3 to 7 images then chose length of ad transition preference and thumbnail. use only high quality pictures, keep all dimensions the same. 

Using only one or two of these techniques in your marketing campaigns can help improve your visibility, reach, and conversions. create your content on desktop or mobile, which ever is easier for you! You will be surprised the impact a video add can make!

Business Spotlight

Beats by Dre is a leading audio brand founded in 2006 by Dr. Dre and Jimmy Lovine. Through its family of world class consumer headphones, earphones, and speakers, beats has introduced and entirely new generation to the possibilities of premium sound entertainment. Beats by Dre does a great job advertising through videos! They feature celebrities, athletes, and others representing the brand. Here is one of their videos featuring Tracy Morgan that was being advertised on Facebook around Christmas.

Here is a video with Serena Williams. Music is the motivation.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Visualize and Win!

What type of learner are you? Some of you lucky ones only need to hear something to comprehend, others prefer a hands on method. There are many resources that encompass different learning or outreach techniques. However, what hits home? What can be made clear? What encompasses something that can be seen from point A to B with little interpretation?  All of these questions can be answered with a video. With a video, the content provider guides the viewer from the initial thought to conclusion. There is a flood of information amongst the internet and videos are efficient ways to provide engaging content.
The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video

I love this Topic! Here is another visual story. The facts stated and referred to in the next video are very relevant to each and everyone of us. This video puts into perspective some very large numbers and  shows us a visualization on a smaller scale which lets us grasp the entire concept. 

Global Wealth Inequality - What You Never Knew

A classic remix! If you appreciate picture quality or unique animal and nature footage, check this video out!

What a Wonderful World With David Attenborough

Visual storytelling is the use of video, images, info graphics, potentially presentations and other types of  media. The use of visuals on social media helps you create a detailed story around the essentials of your product, service, trademark, or brand. With the rise digitally amongst the young generation it is important that we provide and stay current with the trends. This connection with the viewer is what visual storytelling allows you to do. 

Branderati does a great job with visualization. Usually I would explain through words more but for the sake of visualization see below! Be sure to click the links!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Sprout Social

Social media marketing was seen as the irregular route for advertisers. Marketing on social media was a starting point for most, a place where they could experiment and suffer little to no negative consequences. Despite the start up phase, social media marketing is now maturing. Social media still represents brilliant field for trademarks to think outside the box however there is still assessable influence on an organizations bottom line. Therefor, social media marketing cannot be thought of separately but incorporated into the rest of the business plan.

Sprout social has put together a seven step guide to walk you through the steps, assuring your social media marketing efforts are benefiting your trademarks overall purpose. I will highlight the seven steps and comment on each although I encourage you to follow the link and read all Sprout Social has to say about social media marketing.

  1. Ensure social goals solve challenges. Goal setting is a staple of all marketing and business goals.
     Social Media Examiner lists 8 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy. Both lists from the two different sources have the same number one. "Every piece of your social media strategy serves the goals you set." The other seven goals Social Media Examiner lists are set marketing objectives, identify ideal customers, research competition, choose channel and tactics, create a content strategy, allocate budget and resources, and assign roles. I encourage you to visit this source and see what insight they have on these strategies
  2. Extend efforts throughout your organization. sales, customer service, human resources, research and development, marketing.
  3. Focus on networks that add value. Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Google+
  4. Create engaging content. Videos, guides, info graphics.
  5. Identify business opportunities through social. Brand mentions, industry terms, competitor info.
  6. Engage instead of ignore. Their research shows that 5 in 6 messages on social requiring response are not answered.
  7. Tack, improve, and market your efforts. This final step is actually a step back, letting you figure out whats working and whats not. 

I would like to highlight Jack Threads apparel as a company who does a great job marketing on social media. There ads are persistent, They put effort into the markets they pursue and drill the top trends of their products into attention.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Banners Being Banned

A renewal of display advertising erupting and replacing the mundane banner. Along with everything else that has advanced digitally, digital advertisers are finally curving the market with innovating advertising techniques. The align right letter board is almost permanently advertised site to site. Effort is still being put forth to bringing out the potential of innovative digital advertising to mainstream attention. To enable the best outcome, creativity, serving, buying, selling, optimization are all encompassed.

There is a growing acceptance coming over publishers that the "entire page can  be open for business." Brand marketers and companies are similarly realizing that there creativity not be limited to a box along the right side of the page. Here are six new formats from Marketing Land that you may see in the near future. 
  1. Billboard
  2. Filmstrip
  3. portrait
  4. Pushdown
  5. Sidekick
  6. Slider
A service many of us may use already, a company who set the standard for internet radio, Pandora is number one in internet radio with help from digital advertising. Maybe not so much anymore because their service is widely subscribed to, but think back or browse a computer that is not your own and it is very likely that you will see a Pandora add.