Monday, January 11, 2016

Visualize and Win!

What type of learner are you? Some of you lucky ones only need to hear something to comprehend, others prefer a hands on method. There are many resources that encompass different learning or outreach techniques. However, what hits home? What can be made clear? What encompasses something that can be seen from point A to B with little interpretation?  All of these questions can be answered with a video. With a video, the content provider guides the viewer from the initial thought to conclusion. There is a flood of information amongst the internet and videos are efficient ways to provide engaging content.
The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video

I love this Topic! Here is another visual story. The facts stated and referred to in the next video are very relevant to each and everyone of us. This video puts into perspective some very large numbers and  shows us a visualization on a smaller scale which lets us grasp the entire concept. 

Global Wealth Inequality - What You Never Knew

A classic remix! If you appreciate picture quality or unique animal and nature footage, check this video out!

What a Wonderful World With David Attenborough

Visual storytelling is the use of video, images, info graphics, potentially presentations and other types of  media. The use of visuals on social media helps you create a detailed story around the essentials of your product, service, trademark, or brand. With the rise digitally amongst the young generation it is important that we provide and stay current with the trends. This connection with the viewer is what visual storytelling allows you to do. 

Branderati does a great job with visualization. Usually I would explain through words more but for the sake of visualization see below! Be sure to click the links!

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