Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Search Effectively!

Search engine marketing involves pay per click search engines who put your website within reach of anyone who uses the search engines you are registered with. Understanding the terminology of PPC will help you understand what different types of connections are formed. 

Broad match: A keyword matching method in which an ad is matched with searches that are similar to the specified keywordsExact match: A keyword matching method in which an ad is matched with searches that include the exact keyword phrase and nothing elsePay per Call:Similar to PPC, except that the advertiser pays when the searcher calls a phone number
Click fraud: Clicks on your ads that were carried out for fraudulent purposesGeo-targeting: Targeting ads to particular geographic regionsPhrase match: A keyword matching method in which an ad is matched with searches that include the exact keyword phrase, though with other words before or after
Content placement ad: A PPC ad placed on a content page rather than on a search-results page; also called a contextual adImpression: An individual placement of an ad on a Web pagePPA (Pay Per Action): An advertising campaign in which the advertiser pays when a particular action is completed, such as a sale or a form being filled in
Conversion rate: The number of people at any point who carry out a particular action; in particular, who come to your site and buy from you or provide lead information; a visitor is being "converted" into a buyer.Keyword matching:Refers to different methods for matching keywords associated with your ads, with the search terms entered by people at the search engines; see alsoBroad match, Exact match,Phrase match, and Negative match.PPC (Pay Per Click): An advertising campaign in which the advertiser must pay each time someone clicks an ad
CPA: Cost per AcquisitionLanding page: The page the visitor lands on after clicking an adROI (return on investment): A measure of how much profit you make for a particular advertising investment
CPM: Cost per thousand ad impressions (the M is taken from the Roman numeral for 1,000)Negative match: A form of keyword matching in which ads are never matched with searches that include the specified negative keywordSEM (search engine marketing):Activities designed to generate business through Web search engines; some people use the term to refer specifically to PPC activities
CTR (click-through rate): The percentage of people seeing an ad who click itOrganic search results:Nonpaid search resultsSERP (search engine results page): The page a search engine displays containing your search results
I would like to highlight Amazon as a company who deals hand in hand with search engine marketing. Amazon both markets their products and markets the products of others so they know what it is like to both pay for and receive prices per click. To ensure you have a good experience with Amazon they carefully select advertisers and require them to meet specific criteria of standards and quality as well as creative artwork always revealing relevance. 

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