Friday, January 15, 2016

Snapchat, Vine, and Periscope for Business!

So, the question here is how are businesses using the app to market to consumers?  And, how can you possibly incorporate this platform into your content strategy?  Small Talk Social provides Snapchat for Business, How to Promote Your Brand. a list of techniques to make this possible. 
  1. Behind The Scenes / Live Event Tell the story as it is happening from a first hand viewpoint.
  2. Give Followers Exclusive Content Encourage your followers to follow you on Snapchat for exclusive content that cannot be seen on any other platform.
  3. Share Contest Or Coupon Codes You can plan a campaign which will boost engagement since each snap story only lasts 24 hours this requires your followers to participate actively.
  4. Snapchat Takeover By An Influence Businesses can partner with On-Brand influencers to show their audience a unique perspective.
  5. Communicate + Engage "his is social media, so you need to be social." Open up that direct line of communication to be personable.

 A great place for exposure, Snapchat now has over 100 mllion daily users, 71% of those between the ages of 18-34.
Visit Marketing TechBlog to see how to perfect your Vine strategy and promote your business. TechBlog starts with a glimpse into Vines world of videos; also includes statistics from where Vine started and the amount of exposure they have today. Following, TechBlog offers tips and strategies of how to create and  grow a brand on Vine,  how to enhance your social media presences beyond photos and words


Some facts about Vine:
  • An estimated 40 million users have downloaded Vine
  • Every second, 5 Vines are Tweeted by users
  • Every minute, 8,333Vines are shared by users
  • Each day users play Vine videos 1.5 billion times
  • More than 100 million people view Vine videos each month
  • Branded Vines receive 400% more shares

Capture and share your brand in motion with Vine videos.

Excuse me for not having first hand experience with this next source! Here I will pinpoint some information about Periscope and refer you to where they will fill you in with everything you need to know about how you can use Periscope to market your Brand. 

Periscopes whole vibe is social streaming. Picture an easy way to broadcast live video from your mobile device. Anyone with the app can view your live stream from anywhere worldwide. Check this out. Anyone can leave comments in real time which will appear on the screen, overlaid on the video,  and is visible tot everyone who is watching. Now viewers are part of the stream and a live conversation around your content unravels. Watchers can also stream to their followers so every stream has the potential of going viral. Follow this link and learn 9 ways your business can use Periscope.


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  • Design your blog Choose from easy to use templates or create something entirely unique
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