Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Emailed to Death

The problem is mass emails are being sent to mass populations with little regard about filtering content. It has caused us as an audience to become numb to scrolling through emails and clicking unsubscribe. However, email marketing is not dead. Marketing Profs provides us 20 email marketing tips to boost engagement and readership.

I will highlight some tips that stand out to me and some that I wish to implement in future dealings with this subject. Number 1 on the list and one that speaks for itself is  to be more personal. The second one that stands out to me is enriching your readers lives consists of creating contents that builds up your reader or helping the audience grow in some way. People respond better to people something offering assistance rather than being persuaded to purchase a product. Another stood out thats not so encouraging but can offer some good insight,  there's no easy formula for email marketing, depending on your audiences likes and dislikes and focus on those who will generate the intended response. I was surprised that they listed learn from others,  but i appreciate this for the fact that I found this resource on Pinterest doing the exact same thing, learning from others. One that surprised me was avoid the hard sell, almost always overdoing selling makes you sound like a pushy salesman rather than sounding like you have the best interest for the customer.

I really encourage you to follow the link and see the full list of suggestions and become an expert at email marketing with the help of Marketing Profs!

Patrick Morely represents Man in the Mirror, for the sake if this assignment, we may call this a a company. I personally have been following Patrick Morely and the mens lives he has positively shaped around the country for about 6 months now. Through email, each and everyday I recieve and update referring to the foundation. Because I don't have to search through content to find what may strike a headline it is provided for me. Receiving such engaging emails alone keeps me involved with something that has its roots miles away in Florida. Check out his blog here!

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